Cut off non-citizen spending, absolutely.

Increase spending on ANY type of homeless, absolutely NOT.

Don't ever forget perverse incentives and basic economics.

Government spending and attempts to act as a charity are what got us into this mess.

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I should have made my thoughts clearer. No benefits paid for by tax dollars at all to illegals but the problem isn't going away so use some of those funds currently being to illegals to double the size of ICE and prison space for them. Reinstitute fingerprinting and DNA testing of all captured illegals to identify criminals (especially sex traffickers). Dems can't say there's no money because Trump would just be using dollars they already authorized.

As far as sanctuary cities - you can't bigfoot municipalities into adhering to laws (thinking of the 55 MPH federal speed limit and Louisiana said they'd keep there's at 70). City vs state would be tricky though..

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Oh I should have also noted that I do think homeless veterans are a federal problem that should be dealt with. My simple (but expensive) solution would be to give each able body vet with an honorable discharge Blue Cross / Blue Shield and reserve VA for treatment of prosthetics, PTSD, and other service related ailments.

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