Miscellaneous thoughts and observations
The link for the Alan Alda story doesn't work.
Strange - it still works when I click it. Wonder if this is part of the Substack/Twitter coding skirmish. Does it work or not work for others?
The other links work, but I get message on this one:
No webpage was found for the web address: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FwR-LEtWcAIdvXl?format=jpg&name=small&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
This happens on your posts on a regular basis, but this is the first time I have mentioned it.
Tom thanks - there seems to be something going on between Substack and Twitter on the coding side.
Alda story is amusing - maybe this works https://bit.ly/3pSuoC7
It worked!
The link for the Alan Alda story doesn't work.
Strange - it still works when I click it. Wonder if this is part of the Substack/Twitter coding skirmish. Does it work or not work for others?
The other links work, but I get message on this one:
No webpage was found for the web address: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FwR-LEtWcAIdvXl?format=jpg&name=small&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
This happens on your posts on a regular basis, but this is the first time I have mentioned it.
Tom thanks - there seems to be something going on between Substack and Twitter on the coding side.
Alda story is amusing - maybe this works https://bit.ly/3pSuoC7
It worked!