1. If you want full Harris, read the LONG chapter on her in Schweitzer's "Profiles in Corruption." It makes Californians this round look even dumber. One hell of a chapter.

2. Now, if Trump can avoid being shot between now and 1/6, the only thing concerning me is if he will make some dangerous cabinet/advisor choices. NO DAMNED OLIVE BRANCHES this time!

3. What will the Biden puppeteers have Biden sign in his time remaining? He/they have done all they can to Harris, so Trump would be the next logical target to mess with. Can add all sorts of crap to his fix-it list.

Yeah, I'm a pessimist this round.

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I'm an optimist because he's kept his promises so far. Last time he appointed many of Pence's choices and before he could right that wrong the election was sloten from him.

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Excellent point viz picking fights.

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Pride goes before a fall and boy were they prideful

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