Heh. I read a comment elsewhere that too bad the exploding pagers and such weren't powerful enough to kill. Can't agree because others, innocents, would/may have suffered injury or worse, also. And on the positive side, now it's easier to identify the members on sight by their injuries. And just think if Mossad can hack into the hospital records (I'll bet they can) -- names, addresses, etc.!

Agree with you on credit card interest issue. Stay the hell out of business control as much as possible. Not the role of government any more than price controls. I don't even like DeSantis' anti-gouging here in Florida. Do businesses gouge in FL hurricane times? Of course. But (1) Supply and demand at work, and (2) how much of the increase was due to 18-wheelers burning time and fuel at many times normal trying to deliver on damaged or clogged roads, or other delivery issues nobody will think about?

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Have to applaud Israel for its long term thinking on Operation Grim Beeper because it was in the works for years. Like that most of the pagers blowing up only maimed the terrorists because it instantly made them, easy to identify. And basically unemployable at this point.

Now the people who had walkie-talkies explode on them? Many of them are dead because the a walkie-talking is usually place close to the head in order to listen or speak.

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