NFL coach Romeo Crennel has announced his retirement after 50-years of coaching. I'd love for New England to sign him to a one-day contract like they do with top players when they retire so Romeo can officially retire as a Patriot... The question has to be asked: is Jon Hamm the Scottie Pippen of movies? Hamm plays second fiddle to Tom Cruise in Top Gun: Maverick (and does a great job). He was second fiddle to Ben Affleck in The Town (and again did a great job). Name a big movie where Hamm was the lead? Have to wonder if this is how Hamm wants it. He makes a ton of cash as the voice of Mercedes and these supporting roles keep him in the limelight without much heavy lifting or risk... Prior to the Enlightenment any idea or statement of fact could be challenged with "on whose authority?" And if the "authority" (i.e church teachings, ancient classical teachings, etc.) wasn't in accord with the accepted power of the day - the new thought or idea could be dismissed out of hand. Sadly "on whose authority" seems to be making a comeback today which means science is going backwards. Look no further than the Lab Leak theory and how that was suppressed for an example... With Patrice Bergeron winning the NHL's Selke Award as the top defensive forward Boston now has the reigning top defensive player in the NHL and NBA (Marcus Smart). This is the record 5th Selke Award for Bergeron. I really hope he returns again next season instead of retiring... Still say that a T-Shirt brand that features the tattoos of famous people would be a big hit. I'd buy a long-sleeve white t-shirt that features Joe Rogan's full arm sleeve of tattoos. Also sure that a long sleeve t-shirt full of Connor McGregor's tattoos would be a big seller. And just think of the NBA possibilities... Almost Soft would be a good name for a brand of discount toilet paper... "Experts" insist that the next big thing in 2023 will be yodeling. Sources say ABC in anticipation is preparing a show called America's Got Yodeling to compete against a similarly named show on NBC. Trust the experts!... Strange but conjecture is the origin of all knowledge but conjecture is not allowed in a court of law... Something that seems lost to history - Winston Churchill never smoked cigars until his first trip to America. Then he was hooked... As always if this column has made you smile or think - don't be afraid to hit the like button. Also please subscribe (it's FREE) and share with your friends. Thanks in advance...
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