Would be 100% in favor of a reverse fossil fuels boycott. Take the information of all these protesters who are gluing themselves to works of art, roads, and other acts of tantrum and have all the energy companies agree that these people will never be allowed to buy gas, heating oil, or in places where the electricity comes from more than 50% fossil fuels - electricity. A true lifetime ban (what they wanted - right?). Extend the reverse-boycott to these spoiled brats parents as well. Let there be some consequences to their childish antics. That would be a protest I could fully support... Another piece of my childhood gone. Don't think Hollywood would do Christmas specials aimed at kids these days... Now that the New York Supreme Court said that employees who were fired for not getting vaccinated must be rehired with back pay - how long before the US Military will be forced to do the same thing? It shames me to think that it may take a court order to make our military do the right and decent thing... Wouldn’t it be cool if at professional hockey games there was a seat set aside that whoever sat there was the emergency goalie for the game. So if both goalies for a team went down with injuries the person sitting in that seat in the stands would have to become the emergency goalie. Just like the emergency seat on an airline it probably would never happen but you'd have to first give consent in order to sit in that magic seat. Idea probably wouldn't fly in the NHL but I could see it being a big hit in the minor leagues... In my mind my idea of the reverse fossil fuel boycott would be legal and work similar to a restraining order so if one of these stupid protesters later, say tried to buy gas for a car with cash, they could be charged with breaking the restraining order. "What are you in jail for?" "Buying gas." "Oh you're one of those"... This is very cool... Matt Ryan is done as the starting QB of the Indianapolis Colts and may be done as a QB in the NFL as well. This was mostly a financial decision by the Colts who owe him $12 million for next year but could owe him another $17 million if he gets hurt (and with the Colts offensive line that's a good chance). I had Ryan as my backup QB in fantasy football but only to use in the bye-week for Patrick Mahomes (which happens to be this weekend). Oh well... One of the things that make no sense but we've become so accustomed to we just don't even notice is the fact that the word "November" means "9th month" while "December" means "10th month" yet they are the 11th and 12th months on the calendar... As always if this column has made you smile or think - don't be afraid to hit the like button. Also please subscribe (it's FREE) and share with your friends. Thanks in advance..
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Re November, December, etc. We don't notice because we don't speak Latin. The Roman year started in March; septem, octem, novem, and decem are 7, 8, 9, and 10 respectively. I remember one of Isaac Asimov's Black Widower stories in which a mathematician states that Halloween, i.e., October 31, is "precisely equal" to Christmas, December 25. The gimmick was that 31 in octal is in fact equal to 25 in decimal.