There's no doubt that Vladimir Putin is a brutal dictator but those wishing for a quick end to the war in Ukraine have not yet seen the depths of his brutality. Look back at the unlimited destruction against Grozny in Chechnya (described by some as the most destroyed city in the world) and Aleppo in Syria for a preview of the brutality you can expect to see in Ukraine. It will get much worse before it gets better... Genghis Khan is one of the most larger than life personalities in all of history but nobody knows how he died. My favorite rumor (100% true) was that he died after taking "a captive queen to his bed with a razor blade hidden in her vagina." Seriously that was the rumor about the Great Khan's demise... Russia has vast oil and natural gas resources that may allow them to ride out the economic sanctions imposed upon them because of the invasion of Ukraine. What natural resources does China have that would allow them to ride out similar sanctions if they were to invade Taiwan? None that I can readily think of. The failure of Russia to gain a quick victory in Ukraine must have Xi Jinping rethinking his short term Taiwan strategy... Remember kids in cages at the border? They're still there in cages. Only now there's so many more of them. How come that's not being covered by the media?... Still say that miniature pony chariot races would be a big hit on TV. Especially if they had trained monkeys as the charioteers... If I were President my economic policies would be very simple. I'd ask Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) what I should do and then I'd do the opposite. Almost guaranteed to work... If I were advising Will Smith I would tell him to pick his next role very carefully and to make sure he played the villain in his next movie. Many now don't want to root FOR him so why not capitalize with a role where people are supposed to root AGAINST him... Sadly hockey great Mike Bossy has entered palliative care in his fight against lung cancer. The Hockey Hall of Famer has returned home to be among family in his final days. All the best to Bossy and his family... There should be blue colored MAGA hats for Democrats who are sick of the "Progressive" tilt to their party... Wish that the word "vigorii" existed and was the plural of "vigorous." As in, "Pete is vigorous. His family is vigorii."" No reason for this it's just that may brain works differently... Tiger Woods is playing The Masters this weekend and I think 99% of the golf world will be rooting for him. I know I will be... As always if this column has made you smile or think - don't be afraid to hit the like button. Also please subscribe (it's FREE) and share with your friends. Thanks in advance...
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