Have said this before but all the attention is currently on college football and their situation but the real changes to college sports will more greatly affect college basketball. Imagine how places with great post grad programs will do when they can award unlimited NIL and unlimited eligibility. How would you like to play a Harvard or Stanford in March Madness when their starting 5's are 24-years old with 5-years of experience each? One and done superior talent will be at a great disadvantage... Three of the most common mistakes people make when trying to improve their diets are eating too late in the day and close to going to sleep, not eating enough natural protein, and not drinking enough water during the day. Eliminate those three common mistakes and you are much better off in the long run... Just finished up Farewell My Lovely by Raymond Chandler and enjoyed it very much. Will probably go on a noir kick after the holidays with Chandler, Dashiell Hammett and others... Friend of mine says he thinks pay phones were created so he can call and wake his neighbors at 2:00 am. Dude knows every pay phone in town. So glad I'm not his neighbor... Another diet tip is try to eliminate fructose and all sugars from what you eat. Be sure to read the ingredients of anything you are planning to buy. You may be surprised. Eliminate sugars and see the pounds drop as if by magic... Something to remember this Christmas... Reportedly a DC judge has ordered the release of 177 names of clients of Jeffrey Epstein after the first of the year in 2024. So what are the chances we see a rash of people suddenly announcing they will not be seeking re-election or taking a year off from academics this month? Truly coincidence right?... Oh the irony!... Have you now or have you ever gone to Davos or a World Economic Forum event? Or have you ever attended Harvard or an Ivy League school? Checking any of these boxes should send your resume into the round file... Think this is also true of most American Catholics... Old enough to remember when most desks had a deep drawer. Now most desks either have one or no draws. And never mind having a bottle of booze or an ash tray on the desktop... “Marley was dead; to begin with.” Just started a new book. A Christmas tradition…
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