If Twitter ever released the names of the accounts on the platform that were sharing or viewing child pornography my guess is that the number of people who are Congressional staffers would be surprising. From both parties... Part of me wonders if Mark Zuckerberg decided to pivot Facebook to Meta and the virtual world as a response to Zuckerberg floating a trial balloon examination about running for President and finding out nobody likes him in the real world... Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) was arrested and this was immediately trending on Twitter.... Ken Niumatlolo was the winningest coach in Navy history with a 109-83 record. He was fired basically because in the last 7 games against Army and Air Force he was just 2-7 respectively. No coincidence he was fired the day after the latest loss to Army... Did I mention SBF was arrested?... Back in the day people went to Reno, Nevada because the laws there made “quickie” divorces easy. Will suicidal tourists soon be flocking to Canada because their laws make ending your life just as easy as a “quickie” divorce?… The initial big computers like ENIAC made the calculations needed for the hydrogen bomb possible. What will the initial iterations of AI make possible? Just a thought... This surprised me (not including last night's game)... If Elton John does truly leave Twitter - I imagine there's going to be a mad rush to grab his Twitter handle. Looking forward to the new @EltonJohn or @SirElton accounts... Speaking of back in the day - decades ago famous actors and doctors used to advertise for cigarette companies. Will people decades from now look at the famous people advocating to get the vaccines the way we look at those classic cigarette advertisements?… Every four years I have to relearn the lesson that I don't know anything about soccer and really should not be betting on World Cup games... As always, if anything here made you think or smile please subscribe (it's free!), hit the Like button, or share the link with others (the best way for others to read my efforts). Thanks in advance...
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