Elon Musk is currently in a fight with Brazil over free speech. The censorship the government there is trying to force on the people is shameful. I stand with Elon… There's a chance Joe Biden may not get on the ballot for the Presidential election in Ohio. This may actually happen. The Dems probably don't dare put a name on the ballot before their Convention but that's too late for Ohio which requires 90-days to put a name on the ballot and if someone other than Joe Biden gets the nod at the convention they're screwed. Plus they dare not tip their hand if it's not to be Biden. Oh what a tangled web you weave... The US was part of a joint naval exercise with Japan, Australia and the Philippines in the South China Sea over the weekend. Although I support such an exercise its ironic that the main beneficiary of freedom of the seas there is actually Chinese shipping... Have to wonder if the excitement for the solar eclipse is somehow leftover from man's thinking an eclipse was a religious event showing the hand of God. Think the more you understand scientifically why and how eclipses happen the less enthusiastic you are about watching one. Remember good photos of a total eclipse are always available on demand online... The total eclipse as seen in Burlington VT… When I recently saw that the quote, "Does a butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil cause a tornado in Texas?" I assumed this was a reference about the censorship going on by the Brazilian government... Never thought about it before but if there's a "Big Tech" there must also be a "Little Tech" and often their aims are diametrically opposed... Mark Norman points out, "Mental health awareness month = March Madness." Very true and its also insane it ends in April... A little leftover eclipse humor… The deep pockets of some of Arkansas' alumni like Jerry Jones of the Cowboys and Rob Walton of the Broncos (and WalMart) are being cited as reasons for the Razorbacks being able to lure away John Calipari. Arkansas alumni, and chicken magnate John Tyson is a main reason. A rising sports tide raises all programs is the hope... Ever wonder where the term “book of stamps” comes from? After all its a single sheet of stamps. Back in the “old days” groups of 20-25 perforated stamps were sold in a small booklet commonly called a “book.” Over time as self-sticking stamps came into being this was reduced to a single sheet. And the price kept going up…
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