Swear that when I saw that Kamala Harris had proposed tax-payer funded reparations I thought for sure this had to be a joke or maybe an old clip but it's real. And recent! Certainly some "journalist" will ask her about this! Right?... The new Reagan movie starring Dennis Quid is getting just a 19% score from critics on Rotten Tomatoes but a 98% approval rating from audiences who have seen the movie. Critics are giving clowns a bad name... Reports are that the heavier a car is the more potentially fatal that vehicle is. Yet Americans love driving bigger cars. We also love dying doing what we love... So when are reparations for illegal immigrants getting proposed? You know that's coming... This is scary. I mean horror movie type scary... Texas is a 7 point favorite over Michigan in Ann Arbor this Saturday. I expected the Longhorns to be favored but a full touchdown? This bears watching... The Navy's Pacific fleet just left the South China sea undefeated and unchallenged. This left me with two thoughts: first of all it would take is a single defeat or mishap to change that perception completely but secondarily this might be the perfect time to arrange sales of carriers or ships to India while the perception is high... Love this idea! Also think if government funds go to pay, or help pay, for any scientific studies the resultant paper should be made publicly available. Bring back the citizen scientists!… Think if the Republicans do take both the House and Senate in the next election they should pass a bill that would fund students not schools in Washington D.C. Think we'd see a rise in charter schools and homeschooling and also corresponding rise in public school education quality as the administrators there are forced to respond... Whenever I see economic arguments in favor of the Biden Administration I always wonder what those numbers would look like if they took out Texas and Florida and the other states that fought the federal government every step of the way. Take employment and manufacturing numbers for example. Compare them to the numbers for California and New York. Now also do murder rates and gun laws... Studies always seem to show that exercise is better than therapy or drugs yet how many schools have been cutting physical education teachers but adding school therapists? Ask yourself why... Would be funny if ESPN could make all their broadcasts available for free on X while DirecTV is blacking out their channel. They could stop making it available for free once the dispute is settled. It gives ESPN great leverage and X free content. So let it be written - so let it be done…
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