Personally I can't get worried about the threat of nuclear war breaking out due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine until a pop song similar to Nena's 99 Luftballoons becomes popular in the US. I get all my political signals from pop music. And Hollywood!... Don't know how anyone who heats their home with oil can vote Democrat in this November's election. Most families fill their tank for the winter around Halloween. Do you think that could have some impact?... Don't know which has greater odds - flipping a coin and it coming up heads or going into a Staples to use a self-service copy machine and it being either out of order or needing servicing by a Staples associate... Have to believe that the performance of the Russian Army must have any nation that was buying Russian military arms thinking of buying American or Israeli instead right about now... It would be interesting if you were able to take all the people in the Biden Administration responsible for energy policies and gave them a driving test. My theory is the vast majority of them couldn't handle parallel parking. Vast majority... Speaking of odds - if you name your baby girl Trixie what are the odds she grows up to be a stripper or prostitute? Greater than 60%?... Often you get asked the question of what was the best concert you've seen. I used to debate in my head whether it was Bruce Springsteen, Bob Seger, The Who, the Grateful Dead, maybe AC/DC. But yesterday I determined that the best concert I ever saw was Robin Williams at the peak of his powers in 1989. By far the best live performance I've seen in my life... Just learned that Thomas Jefferson's mistress/slave Sally Hemings was also biologically his half-sister. That's messed up..."I've bongoed naked until the cops arrested me." - Matthew McConaughey. Bongo Naked would make a good bumper sticker. Conversely, Naked Bongos would be a good name for a strip club... This season I'll watch the Red Sox. I used to really care about baseball but no longer. There's a big difference between watching and caring but the people who run baseball have shown that they don't understand the difference... ESPN has signed an agreement to televise all the games of the Premier Lacrosse League (PLL) . This is big for lacrosse. Think it will be a hit. Lacrosse is a fun game to watch... "The amount of time you save is never worth the sleep you lose when taking a red-eye flight." - Ulysses S. Grant... As always if this column has made you smile or think - don't be afraid to hit the like button. Also please subscribe (it's FREE) and share with your friends. Thanks in advance…
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