Interesting debate; what result shocked you more when you woke up in the morning? Buffalo losing to the Jets on week 1? Or Colorado blowing a 29-0 lead over Stanford?... Remember when I was young the media claimed there was no such thing as media bias. Now they claim that censorship is just a conspiracy theory. Soon they'll even admit that there's no such thing as journalistic integrity or telling the truth... Michael Herr writes in Dispatches, "Every American would rather be told that their son is undergoing acute environmental reaction than hear that he is suffering from shell shock." This is so true. People tend to want to change the wording of unsettling news. The phrase shell shock was originally coined to give a diagnostic term to the condition... Penn State every season. But next year will be different... Saturday was the anniversary of Dwight Eisenhower signing the Executive Order to transfer Werner von Braun and other German scientists to NASA. The story was well told in the book Operation Paperclip which I heartily recommend... They changed the term for shell shock in order to hide the stats of military personnel suffering from PTSD (also a made up term). Why do you think they felt the need to change the definition of the word "Vaccine?"... Biblical Plague would be a good name for a blog or Substack account about bad government. It's at that scale at this point... There's no one more gracious than a football coach in victory... Who knew? The Americans have a tactic called "search and destroy." In Vietnam the VC had a similar tactic they called "find and kill"... Even though I'll end up watching football most of today this will be one of the few Sunday's I don't bet on a game. There's not a single result from any single game that would surprise me. Better to take the day off...
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