With the internet out and watching the granddaughter it saved me in a strange way of having to watch Notre Dame lose outright to Northern Illinois. Not sure if this was instant karma for all the Irish fans having fun at Brian Kelly’s LSU team losing last week to USC. Also feel bad in a way for the Texas A&M fans who thought “at least we lost to a good ND team”… If a murder or a rape occurs in a house how likely is it for neighbors to put their homes on the market in response? And if this is true - how do realtors feel about violent crime? In a strange way do they subconsciously root for it?… Starliner’s timeline to get to Mars… So if you used last week as a dividing line - do you think more children will now be named Winston or Tucker when they're born? Think we know the answer now... Lack of internet access also kept me from making the observation that Texas QB Quinn Ewers spent a year at Ohio State and must have picked up some anti-Michigan animosity by osmosis. This would have been a deciding factor for me… Matt Stoller wrote that “Death of journalism and publisher isn’t just due to the ‘internet,’ it was a murder by Google.” While I don’t necessarily disagree I should point out that the internet and Craig’s list was the death of classified ads which was a lifeblood of newspaper revenue meanwhile the internet made access to different stories and facts more prevalent leading to poor journalism and “fake news” being exposed… Sadly true!… Honest question: if legal pot dispensaries are prohibited from advertising on TV why are Big Pharma allowed to advertise vaccines and different products. Don’t know anyone who was killed by legal weed but you see cases of people dying from vaccine boosters all the time… San Jose State beat Air Force 17-7 while a 3.5 point underdog. Don’t think many people took into account that Ken Niumatalolo was back playing the Falcons as the San Jose head coach. He had great success against Air Force as Navy’s all-time leading wins leader… Today is the first game of the season for New England and I hope to have more updates as I go out t watch the game. Go Pats!…
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