While you're watching March Madness remember that the NCAA is technically a non-profit which means they pay no taxes on their yearly $1 billion in revenue. One of my big pet peeves... If I were in control of all three branches of government for a day I'd do away with the NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission) completely. Each state could decide if they wanted to approve a new nuclear plant on their own. The only stipulation I'd have is if a new plant is within 20-miles of another state - the two states would have to agree on the plan... ESPN has signed Joe Buck and Troy Aikman to call their Monday Night Football games. It would be funny if their contracts called for them to announce a couple of NHL games as well. I'd tune into those hockey games just to see how they do. It could get ESPN their highest hockey ratings ever... Another thing I'd do if I controlled all three branches of government for a day is take all the current COVID funds and redirect them to finding a cure or treatment for the Lone Star tick disease that causes you to become allergic to red meat. This Alpha-gal red meat allergy is much scarier to me than COVID ever was. Some people predict in the near future it could affect 1 in 10 Americans... I've watched a lot of college basketball in my Life but I've never once seen the One Shining Moment video at the end of the NCAA tourney. Once the game is over - I'm on with my life... If Facebook (sorry Meta) didn't also own Instagram - would we be talking about them possibly going out of business?... A third thing I'd do if I controlled all three branches of government is make it illegal for any elected member of the federal government to directly own stocks in any company that gets over $1 billion of federal aid. Seems common-sense to me to remove this potential conflict of interest... Speaking of social media - I'd be OK with a tax of $.01 per Tweet with all the money going to lower the national debt. We have a Gas tax - why not a social media tax?... Sovereign Cordials would be a good name for a line of liquors... As always if this column has made you smile or think - don't be afraid to hit the like button. Also please subscribe (it's FREE) and share with your friends. Thanks in advance..
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