As 2022 comes to an end remember last year about this time people in charge thought that a re-make of West Side Story would be a big hit movie and that millions of people would be willing to pay $6 a month to subscribe to CNN+. Just saying... One under appreciated repercussion from China's One Child policy is now those parents of a single child are old and now may be dependent on the government or that single child. That's a lot of stress on the fabric of any society... In 1980 the minimum wage was $3.10 and you could buy six McDonald’s Big Mac’s with an hour’s wages. Today the minimum wage is $8 and that may get you a single Big Mac depending on the taxes where you live… If I were a student at Stanford University and I was asked to write a 500 word essay - I would write 500 words of gibberish and then black out all the words of the essay outside every tenth word and tell the professor that the other words either made them feel "triggered" or were prohibited by the new university language policy and dare the professor to give me less than an A grade… This is sportsmanship... People who still wear masks are a manifestation of Martin Luther's "priesthood of all believers" but instead of their trust in Christ their trust is in Anthony Fauci... "Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak." - Sun Tzu. Remind me to never play poker against Sun Tzu,,, I'd be in favor of a Constitutional Amendment that would make that year's Super Bowl MVP the tie-breaking vote in the Senate instead of the Vice President the way it is now. Let someone who may be impartial break the political deadlock instead... Used to be when someone said "New Zealand" my first thought was of the beautiful vistas of Lord of the Rings. Now what first comes to mind is lockdowns. No longer want to visit New Zealand... My biggest disappointment with the Trump Administration remains that they did not follow through on the offer to buy Greenland.... "Page 3 of 2" would be a good name for a blog or Substack account... Surprised that more strippers named Salome haven't come out of strict religious families in the Bible Belt... Next year I’m definitely buying Danny Trejo’s Christmas to read to the kids… As always, if anything here made you think or smile please subscribe (it's free!), hit the Like button, or share the link with others (the best way for others to read my efforts). Thanks in advance...
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