Sad to say but I think one of the problems of a college education today is that kids are being trained to be afraid to be out on a beach during the summer without wearing a mask. Wish I was joking about this... Has to be said - Will Smith's pimp hand is strong!... Fact for the day: Salt (NaCL) is the only family of rocks eaten by humans... I'm not concerned about nuclear war. What concerns me is for the past year and a half Joe Manchin is basically the only thing that has saved this country from complete and utter ruin and chaos... Currently reading Tony Robbins' book Life Force and it is giving me hope of rejuvenating my body to the point I feel like I'm 35-years old again. One of my first thoughts was if the therapies listed in the book are successful then there's going to be a bunch of guys my age going back to playing pick-up basketball. The kids today who don't know how to rebound, pass or play defense aren't going to know what hit 'em... What "fads" will be more quickly forgotten by history? People wearing pussy hats or people putting Biden/Harris bumper stickers on their cars?... Was in Providence over the weekend near a number of colleges (Brown, RISD, Providence College, etc). Went into a books store that said masks are optional for the vaccinated but required for the unvaccinated. My girlfriend and I were the only two in the store NOT wearing a mask. You can't tell me that all of the other patrons (all around college age) were all unvaccinated. Next door there was an Irish pub which we went to to grab a drink, watch the first half of the NCAA tourney game, and grab a bite to eat. Little older crowd than the bookstore and not a single person was wearing a mask. College is creating a generation of pussies... Iraq has a net immigration of about +360 people per 1,000 population. That means people are moving to Iraq. Now compare that to New York and California.... Seems unfair that people remember Wally Pipp as the man who was replaced by Lou Gehrig but hardly anyone remembers Babe Dahlgren as the man who replaced Lou Gehrig... As always if this column has made you smile or think - don't be afraid to hit the like button. Also please subscribe (it's FREE) and share with your friends. Thanks in advance..
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LOVE the stack but could you please paragraph these items ? They are too hard to read and absorb in this post-blogger format. Thanks.