France’s arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov has sent not just shockwaves but also disgust from all free speech loving people of the world. I’d be support giving him extradition for freedom to this country. A bizarre prisoner type exchange for an innocent man. Remember it wasn’t Russia that arrested him either… Radical idea - make a person's tax rate the same as their body fat percentage. While a good idea in theory in order to lower obesity. In reality many extremely in shape, powerful people have higher body fat compositions than “normal” while others would try to do body building-type competition regiments just prior to getting certified for their tax rates. Just wouldn't work... Exactly… Its dawning on people that some administrations will claim to be scandal free if they have an FBI, Secret Service, and a DOJ they know won’t prosecute them. They could leave cocaine around the White House or even kill a guy and not get prosecuted. The media would cover up for them too… Reminder… Learn something new every day: Greg Maddux won 4 straight Cy Young awards. During that time he pitched more complete games (37) than allowed HR’s (33)… Good question… Trying hard not to like Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin but him saying there is no white or black national anthem just the National Anthem makes it hard… Heh Heh… As an aside we’ve had the iconic poster-ready pictures of JRK Jr. and Donald Trump shaking hands on stage, Trump getting right up after being shot yelling “Fight, fight, fight” and Trump’s mugshot from the politically driven persecution trial. When you think of an image of Joe Biden you picture a befuddled old man and when you think of a picture of Kamala Harris you think of a cackling woman. Just saying…
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