Covid-19 started in a lab in Wuhan - to any thinking person that is no longer in doubt. But the Chinese seem to be avoiding any sort of blame for causing the pandemic that greatly effected every nation on earth. However, if it turns out that Pfizer and the FDA fudged the vaccine trial data to make the vaccine seem more effective and safe than it actually is - then the US may face a huge worldwide backlash... The word factual doesn't have to mean true but can be interpreted as being fact-like. So you can say something like, "Leprechauns are real" and that could be considered a factual statement (leprechauns certainly exist in mythology and as mascots so they're real). So if you say something like, "If you French kiss an Irishman on Saint Patrick's Day you'll have good luck all year" that too could be considered factual if looked at from certain angles. I plan to put this theory to the test... The Quest for Good Explanations would be a good name for a blog, Substack account or a podcast... When I see celebrities I like trending on Twitter my first reaction is "Please don't be dead." When I see Pete Davidson trending my reaction is just the opposite... Over the past 150 years the US economy has seen 20 years where annual inflation exceeded 7%. We are living in the 21st year - so don't tell me the economy is going well or is in good hands... Reminder Russia's decision to enter into World War I resulted in the Czar being deposed (and killed). Wonder if Putin has that fact in the back of his mind as he ponders starting WW III?... Speaking of Saint Patrick's Day - here's my favorite Irish drinking toast: It is better to spend money like there is no tomorrow than to spend tonight like there's no money... Is it me or is America equally sick of both the pandemic and of Hillary and Bill Clinton? Would love to see a poll about that... Correct me if I'm wrong but President Biden did not mention either inflation or Afghanistan during his first SOTU address. Reminds me of how LBJ did not mention Vietnam once during his 1964 Democratic National Convention speech... As always if this column has made you smile or think - don't be afraid to hit the like button. Also please subscribe (it's FREE) and share with your friends. Thanks in advance..
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