Wonder if one of the things Ukraine is asking for in peace negotiations is that Vladimir Putin step down. Why not? The Russians asked that Zelenski step down as part of their demands... One reason to embrace the end of Daylight Savings is because doing so saves lives. Medical studies have shown a 24% increase in heart attacks the Monday after "springing forward" in daylight savings. The increase in heart attacks is attributed to a weakened body after losing an hour of sleep... And just like that - all the bad guys in Hollywood movies went back to being Russians... Billy Joel could write a whole new We Didn't Start the Fire song and use just the events of 2021 and 2022 for the lyrics. Wonder what he'd use to rhyme with "murder hornets?"... Thinking of having business cards printed up that say "Bodhisattva in Hiding." It would be funny to me... The Ukrainians should also demand that all Russian assets frozen by sanctions outside of Russia be turned over to Ukraine as reparations for the senseless violence and damage Russia has caused. This would help pay for infrastructure and buildings damaged or destroyed, payments to civilians wounded or killed, and funds to repatriate refugees. Ask for all of the money as a starting position... Amused that The Dude from The Big Lebowski is often viewed as the epitome of Zen Buddhism in action but the website Abide.com is dedicated to Christian meditations. It's the little things... When Putin's invasion of Ukraine eventually fails - how badly will our European partners take it when the Biden Administration inevitably tries to take the credit? The European nations are doing most of the heavy lifting and my guess is they won't take too kindly to Biden claiming the glory. If stories to that effect come out from European media it will be impossible for American media to ignore... I have the sense of humor of a 12-year old boy which probably explains why it occurred to me that many Tom Petty song titles and lyrics could also be used as titles to porn videos. "You wreck me baby - yeah you split me in two," etc. Keep this in mind the next time you hear a Tom Petty song. My guess is he had the sense of humor of a 12-year old boy too... There's roughly 6 billion people in the world. You'd go crazy if you tried to make all their problems your own. Yet that's exactly what we often emotionally do when watching or reading "the news." Do yourself a favor - ignore the news and work on your own problems and issues. And when possible help out your friends, family and those around you. You'll be much happier for the change... As always if this column has made you smile or think - don't be afraid to hit the like button. Also please subscribe (it's FREE) and share with your friends. Thanks in advance…
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