The DeepSeek AI exploded onto the scene. Sure it was owned by China but supposedly was Open Source and much cheaper than traditional AI. Sure it just happened to come on the scene after US law required TikTok to be sold to an American or be closed down. And awfully close to President Trump announcing a $500 billion private investment in AI in the US. But those are just coincidences - right?
The targets for this cheap AI are both the AI market and undercutting the AI market stock prices - especially companies like NVidia. Both of these goals would weaken the economies of America and Taiwan while enriching DeepSeek. And furthering the goals of the CCP.
Supposedly all it took was a $5 million investment to come up with DeepSeek - which as I said is not only "open source" but can be run on the processors of everyday computers. Over night everyone could have their own AI (and embed CCP spyware at the same time?). They supposedly accomplish this by using LLM that only used 8 decimal places instead of the 32 of "traditional" AI companies which would then use correspondingly less memory and processing power making common computers ideal hosts.
But ask yourself if that $5 million could even cover the salaries of those reported 200 C-level and engineering employees. Really?
They were also reportedly able to streamline the process by using models geared to specific groups like engineers, doctors, lawyers, etc. instead of trying to have the AI know everything. Would really like to see a Venn diagram showing these "expert groups" and the groups the CCP has identified as ones they want to spy on.
It's also been reported that many US Defense Department employees connected their company computers to Chinese servers hosting DeepSeek AI two days before the Pentagon turned off service. Is it too much to think the CCP gained access through this volunteered backdoor to gain the Pentagon's inner workings? Still think this was a coincidence?
So many red flags.
There was a famous saying that either hard work or working smart could bring you to a 90% pinnacle of your field but if you wanted to get to 99% you needed both. China seems to be buying working smart for just a $5 million investment and so many Americans are too lazy to to do the hard work to resist the easy way.
Can’t shake the feeling that DeepSeek is a Trojan Horse for the CCP to mine our secrets and we are basically volunteering the information. As I recommended with the TikTok app - DO NOT download DeepSeek!